KiMaya Journal

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The Sweetness of Stillness

The sweetness of stillness, at first we resist
Choose action or non-action, what we believe will persist
Make space for the doubt, beliefs and stories stuck - Samskara.
Seek the eye of the storm, change, death, create to then destruct
serve to shed and unpeel the layers to remembering.
The body - bridge between Earth and Sky
hand on ground, the other reaches up to where doves fly,
high above, energy streaming in multiple directions.
Both sides essential, awareness awakens what we have forsaken,
alchemise awareness into action, gain traction, as toes grip - activating roots in order to rise,
celebrate the prize that lies in the process.
The lamps have been lit, allow yourself to sit and surrender, tenacious yet tender, cultivate peace and power, may your cup overflow to only empower, and not steer the wheel for others.
Material and spiritual planes, the art of balance
movement as medicine, stillness as sanctuary
time needed to digest and integrate the lessons of night and day encountered.
Channel through your vessel, must honour the body
faith coupled with vision, laser like precision.
Inspired action, it starts with pure intentions,
seeking truth, embark on your quest, no need to rely on the realisation of others.
Dive into the deep knowing, ever glowing flame that flickers, lit up and carried above through the crown.
An invitation to feel - meet, resolve the resistance. Sweet soma - nectar, taste it.
Drop into trust, the anchor sinks as breath grounds body to land - heart heavy with love,
diving into the depths of the ocean into the seat of spirit soul.
Energy exchange, vibrational transaction,
flowing with life, as life moves through you - feel the ultimate satisfaction once you commit to the call, let yourself be guided by the sun, moon and stars.