KiMaya Journal

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Follow the Roots

Follow the roots to find your way
back to source, listen to the beat of your heart,
vibrations hum from within the walls of home - your body.
Soles planted onto the ground,
like a conscious seat
as two energies meet, a conduit for heaven and earth,
an energy exchange, give and take - a yielding.
The forest trails run wild, non-linear paths forged by the choices you make.
Take heed, steadfast and self-contained
boundary lines clearly laid, karmic debts paid
aim to action once aligned, with an arrow that is sharp and well-defined.
Uneven path we tread,
body pulled, reigned by magnetic threads - invisibly led
whilst listening to the sounds of source
trees, leaves, a stream nearby, birds and beetles, all caressed by the winds that gather and
sweep, natures symphony - a sound alliance.
The ambiance of transience,
senses are soothed by the primordial sound, Om, a sacred seed,
Earth Mother hums, in tune with your inner drum,
located at the base, feeling safe, secure, and stable - activated root in place.

Withdraw from the distractions, energy is then restored,
like a battery pack, rest needed to recharge and absorb.
Bombarded by stimuli, feels like undigested knowledge, less intake more uptake,
the sacred snake, may it rise, slowly, working its way higher above,
born and bred in the dense and dark nest below, awaiting the stirrings to wake.
A gentle reminder, progress over perfection is a labor of love,
may the trials and tribulations encountered in life fit your soul’s mission like a glove.
Time and energy - a precious currency,
use all of your awareness and all of your presence,
to focus on the joy that awaits to be acknowledged.
Ready for the return, with patience, perseverance, and verve,
sparked and fuelled when curiosity is served.
Observe first to obtain the things we long to attract,
with room needed to receive, a grateful heart, a discerning eye, and generous tact.
Peace and empowerment
anchor down into the soil, manage the system, water coming to a boil,
bubbling spring - may it sing, a portal of power to the earth’s core.
Fallen tree in the forest you see in your periphery, choose respite, take a seat,
water to wood brings a spring to your step - grateful for nature’s bountiful pep.
Nearby bodies of water, moment to fill your cup,
let stillness arise as spirit flies, one foot in front of the other - a path is forged.
Step up to step in, look fear in the eye, intimate with the me, myself, and I - ego.
Here to understand and not judge or ignore,
this once locked door, opened by the keys of acceptance and humility, no shame or cruelty.
The flames of energy in motion a roaring fire, heat and desire, light from the sun can weave
itself higher into the realms of the heart.
Root system an elemental force,
action to embody, no words needed to endorse truth
an interrelated network, stay on course throughout the journey,
blessed by nature, in plain view or at times we must unearth,
a constant reminder of the ever-present miracles,
the alchemy behind death and destruction for creation and re-birth.